Harbor Roleplay Forums

General Topics => Public Discussions => Topic started by: Grant Hurd (Jolly Turtle) on July 06, 2017, 06:43:39 pm

Title: Increased Prop limit
Post by: Grant Hurd (Jolly Turtle) on July 06, 2017, 06:43:39 pm
Ok, every time i op onto the server occasionally I hear people complaining about the prop limit. I am agreeing with them, I have had many brilliant boat ideas that would have to scraped after hitting the 40 item prop limit. As a counter this might increase the chance of prop spam. But to defend that we could install a ghosted prop addon that many servers use if you are spawning in props to quickly. Honestly I haven't seen any prop spam EVER since I've been on HRP. So lets take a poll on if we should increase the prop limit to an average of 90-150 and install a new addon that will stop the prop spam right when it happens and it wont effect the way our boats work.

Yes = lets do it

No = Dude hell no
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: Wulf Thunderbolt (Thunderwolf47) on July 06, 2017, 07:34:21 pm
Due to past server stability issues and high player count, the prop limit was reduced. However, we dont fully support contraptions consisting of 150 prop count due to lag and spam. We have the limit temporarily reduced until further notice by Link or Billy. If you have issues making bases, boats, or any contraption, then me and many other members of HRP will be willing to assist you in its creation.
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: Zafiro on July 06, 2017, 07:46:46 pm
I think the prop limit is okay, only my really large boats got hit by this and I didn't bring them out most time due to lag.
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: Grant Hurd (Jolly Turtle) on July 06, 2017, 08:00:09 pm
The conversations I hear and what mainly troubles most of us is making more complex boats and bases so the assistance would help!
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: Billy Bong (billybob41) on July 06, 2017, 09:27:03 pm
We haven't raised the prop limit because players still insist on using every prop available on one boat. Instead of micromanaging everyone's creation, it's better to restrict the amount allowed. If you are working on a big project, use larger props when possible. Once the game-mode has better optimization, we can then raise it for everyone. Until then, the prop limit won't change.
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: Miku Netsuha (Nicknero) on July 07, 2017, 05:00:35 am
I have had many times where I wish the prop limit was higher.
I usually build static bases, and that is when you really need a higher prop limit.
But I was also on the server one day when it had 25-30 players and everyone was spawning huge boats all over the place, and the lag was absolutely horrible.

I was discussing this with Billy on TS that day, and I suggested a variable proplimit that would decrease as more players join the server to reduce lag. But a reasonable point against that idea is that it would suck if you build something big, and more players join and you suddenly can't finish it.

So as unfortunate as it may be, we have to live with a low prop limit while the server is empty, to avoid having a lagfest when the server is busier.
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: John Heald (Bay) on July 09, 2017, 11:18:52 pm
Another way to have a higher prop limit is by donating to the server. That would be the easiest way to get the prop limit extended for you.
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: Billy Bong (billybob41) on July 10, 2017, 02:09:50 am
John, yes the prop limit is higher if you donate. But it wouldn't be fair if players felt like they needed to pay to play. We are trying to avoid limits on prop boats / bases as much as possible. Players who enjoy the game-mode build amazing things and we encourage everyone to try. As Nick mentioned, many of those players only build bases that don't cause any issues. Yet they are effected by this cap to avoid unwanted lag. I assure you, once we optimize HRP, the limit will be raised for all members. After the next update, our developers will then focus on these other concerns, such as more new content and improving stability.
Title: Re: Increased Prop limit
Post by: John Heald (Bay) on July 10, 2017, 09:34:27 am
Alright, wasn't meaning pay-to-play. but it kind of sounded like that, my bad. Thanks for letting me know that info.