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Author Topic: Application for Staff Position Review  (Read 2776 times)

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Offline Billy Bong (billybob41)

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Application for Staff Position Review
« on: March 01, 2017, 11:22:25 pm »
Applying for staff doesn't just consist of posting your application. It requires dedication and commitment to prove yourself before accepted into our team. Our commitment to provide the best community experience is demanded on all levels. This list only guides players on the right path to become accepted.

  • Zero community bans on record
  • No VAC bans within 1 year
  • Gain Trusted on our servers
  • Become active on forums
  • Older than 15 years
  • Active on TS or Discord
  • Educated on our servers

Previous ranked players do not need to fill out the Trusted application; Premium, Deluxe, Admin, ect. If you fail to meet any listed requirements, your application will instantly be denied. We only accept honest players who share common interests.

Use the following template to request a Staff Position Review:

Role-Play Name:
Steam Name:
Steam Profile Link:

Reason for applying:
Past experience:
Personal skills:
Requested positions:

In detail, explain how your involvement will benefit the community:

Once you post here, please do not contact staff or talk about your application anywhere else on forums. We will reply after we've completed our evaluation. Good Luck!

« Last Edit: March 17, 2017, 03:18:48 pm by billybob41 »