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Author Topic: Trusted Application - Jones Cerqua  (Read 784 times)

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Offline DogBlitzzz

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Trusted Application - Jones Cerqua
« on: May 12, 2017, 06:19:40 pm »
Role-Play Name: Jones Cerqua
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:11125435
Steam Name: DogBlitzzz
Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197982516599/

Hours played on HRP: 1 Day 19 Hours 55 Minutes
Hours played on GMOD: 4838 Hours...

Explain why you should be considered Trusted:

-Main Reason:I feel that i should be considered Trusted because i enjoy helping new people if its either trying to get a boat to float or getting your profile verified, I feel that if i am Trusted people would know and understand that i am there to help them when they need help with things.
-Other Reason: In a series of recent events there have been many instants in which there where no Owner, SuperAdmin, Admin, Etc. In a attempt to try to get someone online all hell broke loose. While people where breaking rules people would then kill them which would then cause more rules to be broken as they would just keep killing them. This has happened multiples times as there is nothing i can do at some times, I just have to watch and take screenshots and soon enough I see the same person on a ban request the next day. While a ban request is nice and all it would be easier if someone that actually could kick and ban them could take care of it before you get 10 ban requests on the same guy and each one arguing with one another about what actually happens. In theory a trusted could get evidence of the minge then kick ban them so they will be dealt with for a short period of time then post the evidence on the forums or give it to a higher up and the person could be permenatly taken care of.
-At the end of the day I am just trying to help new players and stop minges before it evolves into a full on minge fest and everyone yelling at each other. When a new player joins the game nothing says Welcome! More than a bunch of kids shooting at each other and spamming OOC with "STOP","GET A ADMIN ONLINE",

« Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 10:36:49 pm by DogBlitzzz »

Offline Wulf Thunderbolt (Thunderwolf47)

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Re: Trusted Application - Jones Cerqua
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2017, 08:03:41 pm »
Thank you for posting Dogblitz, but to add friendly critique I would request that you add more information about you for your application.
