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Offline bloodymustache

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Mitchell Greens Application
« on: May 21, 2018, 05:06:59 pm »

Role-Play Name:Mitchell Green
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126128799
Steam Name: BloodyMustache89
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198212523327

Reason for applying: I am getting back into hrp and want something that I can do to, 1: Get more experience, and 2: Help the community.
Past experience: I have developed numerous darkrp and sandbox servers, some personal and some for friends. I have made many addons for them. I have been staff on Icefuse, Garnet, Forsaken, and Damnation servers all of them are rp servers. Ive made games for personal enjoyment and love lua. 
Personal skills: I know a decent amount of lua with gmod, I can edit just about anything i see no matter what language. Im very open to criticism and love to learn more and better practices for coding.
Requested positions: Developer/Editor/Configurator

More Stuff I would like to say: Im very comfortable with editing code and finding bug, I can make custom content if needed but note: Just like everyone else I still need to google my way around some bugs and fixes and i do need to use the wiki, and don't expect a big addon finished extremely quick. I like to balance out quality and time and make sure that what im making is the best quality that i can provide but also made in a timely fashion.

In detail, explain how your involvement will benefit the community: This week, 5/25/18 Is my first day of summer and this summer im gonna be on a LOT. I can push out quick fixes/patches, add stuff Im told to add, fix bugs, And anything else that im told to do. Im all about helping out, its been this way ever since ive joined hrp and started making guides and other stuff to help the players out. I took time that I could be making money or fishing or smuggling out to help any player that needed it. I really want to benefit the community more and make a huge impact to hrp.

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Re: Mitchell Greens Application
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2018, 05:02:29 pm »
I like you so far. We'll see how you handle helping with some of the things I throw at you.

Little known fact: Searching up bugs and looking on the wiki is actually a good thing. Often times, my browser gets filled with stackoverflow tabs when I'm working on actual work. Using a wiki is a necessity when using anything that's not stock programming language. Say, if you were making a game on Unity, you best have the Unity wiki open so you can have the syntax available to do a task. Same goes with Minecraft modding (forge api/wiki), website dev (php api/wiki, w3 for html and css), and GMod with the wiki.