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Author Topic: Nate Siscoe's Trusted Application  (Read 2296 times)

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Offline Nate Critch

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Nate Siscoe's Trusted Application
« on: April 11, 2020, 08:30:43 pm »
Role-Play Name: Nate Siscoe
SteamID: SSTEAM_0:0:113877117
Steam Name: |Nate|
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198188019962

Time played on HRP: 16.5 hours (My time was reset awhile back as billy knows) Proof I had more time in the past this is last screenshot i took in 2016-17 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=756399121
Probably had more time then that though overall

Hours played on GMOD: 2960 hours (other account has 1800 hours

Explain why you should be considered Trusted:
I was a very active player back in the day and Im starting to be back on since we are populated again, in the old forums I use to always check applications and reports of players just to give my opinion as a known player and I try my best to help new players out the most I can. I got many ideas im going to share that could be implemented to the server and im just all around very caring for this community for the 4+ years ive been part of it.

Offline David Croxton (day 1 of kbm)

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Re: Nate Siscoe's Trusted Application
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2020, 08:47:20 pm »
Hey Nate! You are demonstrating your knowledge of the game, Although I have not seen you personally in game, Keep being active on the server and on discord! Being active, posting, and replying on the forums is a huge + as well. See you around Nate

Offline Nate Critch

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Re: Nate Siscoe's Trusted Application
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2020, 08:57:40 pm »
Hey Nate! You are demonstrating your knowledge of the game, Although I have not seen you personally in game, Keep being active on the server and on discord! Being active, posting, and replying on the forums is a huge + as well. See you around Nate

Appreciate it man ive been part this community for few years now I stopped when the population went down but im back hope to see  you around!

Offline John Heald (Bay)

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Re: Nate Siscoe's Trusted Application
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2020, 01:23:54 pm »
Good luck on your Trusted application, hard work can pay off. Once I see you around more, I will say whether I support or not.

Sincerely, your favorite player, twitch.tv/bayprophet (John Heald)!