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Author Topic: Official Twin Harbor Status  (Read 5042 times)

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Official Twin Harbor Status
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:32:15 pm »
I would just like a moment to declare where we are on the status of Twin Harbor.

To be able to bring Twin Harbor to HRP, we had to make some map edits through the Source Engine mapping tool known as Hammer Editor. The person carrying out the map edits is known as Even Corleaux (Zafiro on Steam). He has completed all of the work we have needed from him on the map. Now we need to export the map in a method known as "compiling". It basically takes the Hammer editable vile (.vmf) and converts it to a game-readable file (.bsp). Compiling this map fully, with HDR since it has the support for that, will take a very long time.

After we finish the compile, some pretty simple Lua changes will be done on the server, and then we can release the server.

For now, we're still on the compiling stage. We are currently looking into options on where we can compile the map. We expect that it will take a few more weeks to get the final BSP version of the map done, and just ask that you hold tight until we can get it up on the development server for Lua changes.

Please post any questions or comments you may have to this post here.